Child Marriage and Teenage Pregnancy are among the most current and worse forms of gender based
violence in Uganda. Almost 1in 4 girls get married before their 18th birthday. According to
Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) 2018, almost a quarter (25%) of Ugandan women has given
birth by the age of 18.
A number of actors that include government agencies, departments and ministries, CSOs,
private sector and the UN agencies are implementing a number of initiatives to prevent,
respond and mitigate the growing numbers of child marriage and teenage pregnancy. However,
coordination of these interventions across actors is yet to be realised.
Joy for Children Uganda in collaboration with Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
in with support from Girls First Fund have developed an online database of organisations
working to end child marriage, teenage pregnancy and other forms gender based violence.
The database that is designed for organisations enables subscribers (organisations) to create
their own accounts, create a profile of their organisations, assign responsible person and
also upload reports of their work in ending child marriage, teenage pregnancy and gender based